Click to Pay configure()


Call this function when your application loads the page where you want to present the Click to Pay inline form to the payer.

The function allows you to configure the Click to Pay flow.

Usage Copied to clipboard


Example Copied to clipboard

    merchant: {
      id: "MERCHANTID",
      name: "Merchant Name",
      url: ""
    session: {
        wsVersion: 62,
        // optional
        paymentOptions: [Payment Options Inquiry response],
    order: {
        // display only
        amount: "12.12",
        currency: "USD"
    interaction: {
        //Billing preference with one of the following values: NONE, FULL, POSTAL_COUNTRY
        billingPreference: 'FULL',
        collectShippingAddress: true,
        locale: 'en_US',
        country: 'USA',
        cardSelectionAction: 'SELECT_ONLY',
        showInlineCardListHeader: true,
        suppressPayerInteraction: false,
        skipDCFInteraction: false
    payer: {
       // if supplied on configure, the gateway will check if the email address
       // of the payer is registered for Click to Pay immediately after loading the SDK
       email: ''

    // Allows you to configure the DOM elements that will contain
    // each embedded component. Each component will be rendered as a child of the configured element.
    // One Time Password (OTP) and Change Channel components should both be rendered into the 'otp' element.
    elements: {
        // REQUIRED
        cardList:  "#cardListContainer",
        // OPTIONAL: if not supplied, render as overlay
        otp: "#otpContainer",
        // REQUIRED
        dcf: '#cardFacilitator'

    callbacks: {
        onComplete: function(correlationId, scheme) {},

         Triggered before an element is displayed, this is a hook to allow you to run
         JavaScript to customize how the container of the V2 component is displayed.
         For example, loading the DCF screen in a bootstrap modal would require custom JavaScript
         to execute.

        oldState : {
            payerState: {
                deviceRecognized: true,
                email: '', //masked email if not supplied in
            elementState: {
                cardList: {selector: '#cardListContainer', visible: true},
                otp: {selector:'#otpContainer', visible: false},
                dcf: {selector:'#dcfContainer', visible: false}
        newState: {
            payerState: {
                deviceRecognized: true,
                email: '', //masked email
            elementState: {
                cardList: {selector: '#cardListContainer', visible: false},
                otp: {selector:'#otpContainer', visible: false},
                dcf: {selector:'#dcfContainer', visible: true}
        diffState: {
            elementState: {
                dcf: {selector:'#dcfContainer', visible: true}

        selector: the css selector configured for the element
        visible: has the element become visible

        onStateChange: function() {},

        /* On any Error returns below data format
            errorCode: 'INVALID_INPUT',
            errorMessgae: 'session id is required'
        onError: function() {}


Arguments Copied to clipboard

configuration Copied to clipboard Object REQUIRED

Configuration values.

merchant Copied to clipboard Object REQUIRED

Provide details about your business for display to the payer.

id Copied to clipboard String REQUIRED

The unique identifier issued to you by your payment service provider.

name Copied to clipboard String REQUIRED

Your name to be displayed to the payer.

url Copied to clipboard String REQUIRED

The URL of your website be displayed to the payer.

session Copied to clipboard Object REQUIRED

Required session data for configuring Click to Pay.

id Copied to clipboard String REQUIRED

Session ID of the session that contains the details for this payment.

wsVersion Copied to clipboard Number REQUIRED

API version that you used to create the session.

paymentOptions Copied to clipboard Object

Allows you to provide the Payment Options Inquiry response, if you have already submitted a Payment Options Inquiry request. If provided, the SDK will use this information (instead of submitting Payment Options Inquiry request).

order Copied to clipboard Object REQUIRED

Required order data for configuring Click to Pay.

amount Copied to clipboard String REQUIRED

The order amount to be displayed to the payer.

currency Copied to clipboard String REQUIRED

The order currency to be displayed to the payer.

interaction Copied to clipboard Object

Required data to configure the Click to Pay interaction.

billingPreference Copied to clipboard String
If not provided, the default value is NONE. Billing preference must be a member of the following list:
cardSelectionAction Copied to clipboard String
Allows you to choose what action is performed when the payer makes the card selection.
SELECT_ONLYThe list of cards is displayed using radio buttons. Selecting a radio button will not trigger any action. The payer needs to click the "Continue" button to continue to the next step.
SELECT_AND_PROCEED(default) The list of cards is displayed with each card entry being clickable. Selecting an entry will automatically take the payer to the next step.
collectShippingAddress Copied to clipboard Boolean

Shipping preference with one of the following values: true or false. If not provided, the default value is set to false.

country Copied to clipboard String

The ISO 3166 alpha-3 country code of the payer's country, to be used to present country-specific content to the payer during the interaction. For a Secure Remote Commerce interaction, the payer's country is used to present country-specific content such as Terms and Conditions and you only need to provide it, if you wish to override the default payer country you have configured for Secure Remove Commerce interactions.

locale Copied to clipboard String

A language identifier or IETF language tag to control the language of the payment interaction with the payer (e.g. en_US, es, fr-CA). By default, the language is determined from the payer's browser. Supply a value for this field only if you wish to override the default behavior. If the language you specify is not supported by the gateway, the payment is displayed in the best matching language.

showInlineCardListHeader Copied to clipboard Boolean

Allows you to indicate if the inline card list display should include a header with the Click to Pay logo and a list of logos for the supported card schemes. If not provided the value defaults to false.

suppressPayerInteraction Copied to clipboard Boolean

Allows you to suppress the Click to Pay interaction with the payer (i.e. the display of any screens) as part of the configure() method.

If set to true, the configure() method will set up the Click to Pay interaction and check if the payer is recognized using their email or a cookie or is a new user. However, the method will not trigger the Click to Pay interaction with the payer. This allows you to display any additional screens to the payer before they proceed to the Click to Pay interaction. To subsequently trigger the Click to Pay interaction you need to use the initiatePayerInteraction() function.
If set to false, the configure() method will set up the Click to Pay interaction, check if the payer is recognized using their email or a cookie or is a new user, as well as trigger the Click to Pay interaction with the payer.
If not provided the value defaults to false.

skipDCFInteraction Copied to clipboard Boolean

Allows you to skip the Click to Pay DCF interaction with the payer (i.e. the display of any screens) as part of the configure() method. The and customer.mobilePhone parameters are required within the configure() method for this parameter to take effect.

If set to true, the configure() method will skip the Click to Pay DCF interaction.
If set to false, the configure() method will show the Click to Pay DCF interaction.
If not provided the value defaults to false.

payer Copied to clipboard Object

Payer data for configuring Click to Pay.

email Copied to clipboard String

The email address of the payer. If the payer is recognized as enrolled in Click to Pay based on the cookies, this email is ignored. Otherwise, the email is used to check if the payer is enrolled in Click to Pay.

mobilePhone Copied to clipboard String

The payer's mobile phone or cell phone number in ITU-T E123 format, for example +1 607 1234 5678. The number consists of: '+' country code (1, 2 or 3 digits) 'space' national number (may include spaces). The information will be used to prepopulate the payer's email address when the payer decides to enroll in Click to Pay.

firstName Copied to clipboard String

First name of the payer.

lastName Copied to clipboard String

Last name of the payer.

elements Copied to clipboard Object REQUIRED

Required elements data for displaying Click to Pay UI components.

cardList Copied to clipboard String REQUIRED

Id of the DOM element to include the Click to Pay card list.

otp Copied to clipboard String

Id of the DOM element to include the One Time Password (OTP) interaction. If not provided, the OTP interaction will be displayed as a modal.

dcf Copied to clipboard String REQUIRED

Id of the DOM element to include the interaction provided by Click to Pay that allows the payer to enroll, enroll a new card and/or confirm the payment.

callbacks Copied to clipboard Object REQUIRED

Required callback for returning data back to you after different stages of the checkout flow.

Return Value Copied to clipboard
